Human Connections

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Get Inspired to Lead a Fulfilling Life

Everyone loves a little bit of inspiration! Whether it be about living a more fulfilling life and being true to yourself, reaching personal and professional goals or being a better leader, here are a handful of our top picks for an inspiration-fuelled afternoon!

What is the secret to a happy and fulfilled life? This 75 year long study shows us that despite socio-economic background, professional “success” or what happens in your life, there is one common denominator to leading a happy life.

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Why 30 is not the new 20: Did you know that 80% of your life’s most defining moments happen before you turn 35? Before you freak out, watch this powerful video teaching you how to make the most out of this important decade. 

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The Power of Vulnerability: Brené Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, and love. In an powerful and funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity.

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Following Instinct: One moment of instinct to make a decision she didn’t understand changed Amaryllis’ life and shaped her future career. Through her powerful personal journey, she shows us why instincts are to be trusted even when they don’t seem to make logical sense at the time, particularly when you are making difficult choices about your future, and personal and professional goals.

Success, Failure & The Drive To Keep Creating: Did you know that extreme success can sometimes feel like extreme failure? Elizabeth Gilbert does! Here, she teaches us how we can regain our drive after either, and what it means to truly find your way “home”.

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Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe: Leaders are not just managers and bosses, they are everyday people that guide others and make them feel safe and recognized. Simon Sinek shows us how we can all be good leaders in our workplace, family home or communities. Forget “survival of the fittest” and learn to adapt this successful and valuable approach to leadership.

The fringe benefits of failure. Ahh JK Rowling, can she do any wrong? In this speech, she shows us why fearing failure can hold us back and failure itself can often be the driving force to achieving great things.

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